The GROW program is an essential part of ALCOSAN’s plan to create cleaner waterways. In 2016, ALCOSAN created the Green Revitalization of Our Waterways (GROW) program. It was designed as a system-wide effort to reduce excess water from entering an already overloaded sewer collection system.
GROW is a multi-million-dollar grant program that provides funding for source reduction projects in our partner communities and authorities. Under the program, any municipality or municipal sewer authority within the ALCOSAN service area is eligible to submit a source control project for grant funding consideration.
Since 2016, nearly 85% of ALCOSAN’s customer municipalities have participated in the GROW program. GROW has provided $74 million in grant funding towards approximately 190 projects that will reduce sewer overflow by an estimated 237 million gallons per year.
Any municipality or municipal sewer authority within the ALCOSAN service area is eligible for GROW grants. New grant cycles typically begin in the fall season. ALCOSAN will schedule information meetings before each cycle to assist municipalities with the application process. Application documents are available via the municipal portal.
Have questions regarding the GROW program at ALCOSAN?
Municipal Partner | Project Description | GROW Grant Received |
Avalon Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I) - O-18A Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining and replacement of over 3,500 feet along Norwood Avenue, Sylvan Avenue, Sedalia Avenue, Cherry Alley, Chester Avenue, Center Avenue, and Berringer Place. | $89,200.00 |
Baldwin Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I) - M-34 Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 3,100 feet along Rear Brinwood Avenue, Upper Agnew Road, Middle Agnew Road, Lower Agnew Road, Brazil Street, and Middle Street. | $67,200.00 |
Baldwin Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I) - M-42 Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 10,100 feet along Castleview Drive, Barbara Drive, Manor View, Palace Court, Prospect Road, Young Drive, and Senior Drive. | $256,000.00 |
Castle Shannon Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I) - Killarney Drive Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 3,300 feet and sanitary sewer replacement of 40 feet in the Killarney Drive area. | $88,300.00 |
Crafton Borough | Sewer Separation (SS) - W. Steuben St Separation Projects. A new stormwater system will be built to remove stormwater and surface water runoff from the combined sewer system along West Steuben Street. | $1,666,500.00 |
East Pittsburgh | Sewer Separation (SS) - Grandview Ave Storm Sewer Separation Project. New separate stormwater system to remove stormwater and surface water runoff from the combined sewer system along Grandview Ave. 0 | $511,243.30 |
Edgewood Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I) - Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 4,500 feet along Allenby Avenue, Savannah Avenue, East End Avenue, Greendale Avenue, Edgewood Court, Elm Street, and Beech Street. | $101,600.00 |
Forest Hills Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I) - Upper Falls Run Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of 4,800 feet along Cherry Valley Road, Watt Lane, Atlantic Avenue, Kenmore Avenue, and Ardmore Boulevard. 0 | $247,400.00 |
Girty’s Run Joint Sewer Authority | Sanitary Sewer Lining Rehabilitation (I/I). Lower Shaler and Geyer Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation. Sanitary sewer lining of over 12,600 feet, lateral intrusions, and sanitary sewer lateral connection reinstatements in Shaler and Reserve Townships. | $467,075.00 |
Ingram Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Ingram Borough Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 2,000 feet. | $51,600.00 |
Municipality of Mt. Lebanon | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I). Begg’s Snyder Park: S1500-MB-L-04 Sewer Rehab and Replacement. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 2,600 feet near Begg’s Snyder Park. | $65,000.00 |
Mt. Oliver Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Mt. Oliver M-34 Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 140 feet off Walter Avenue and Otillia Street. | $94,700.00 |
Munhall Sanitary Sewer Municipal Authority | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I). M-49 Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 480 feet. | $773,800.00 |
Munhall Sanitary Sewer Municipal Authority | Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Sewer Separation (GSI, SS). M-45 Green Infrastructure and Stormwater System Improvements. Green infrastructure at and around the Munhall Fire Station and a new separate stormwater system to remove stormwater and surface water runoff from the combined sewer system along Andrew Street. | $1,512,500.00 |
Peters Township Sanitary Authority | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Sanitary sewer lining of over 3,900 feet. | $25,400.00 |
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) | Sewer Separation (SS). South Side Flats Sewer Separation Project. A new stormwater system will be installed to remove stormwater and surface water runoff from the combined sewer system in the South Side Flats Neighborhood. | $1,383,300.00 |
Reserve Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). A-60 Sanitary Sewer Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 9,000 feet along Faber Terrace, Mt. Troy Road, Emma Avenue, Carrie Street, Cronemeyer Avenue, and Mauch Street. | $100,900.00 |
Municipal Authority of Robinson Township (MATR) | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Chartiers Basin Sanitary Sewer Lining Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 2,600 feet in the Chartiers Basin. | $126,200.00 |
Ross Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Replacement (I/I). Connie Drive Lining Project. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 2,900 feet. | $114,700.00 |
Scott Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). C-53 Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of approximately 5,700 feet and sanitary sewer replacement of 50 feet. | $167,400.00 |
Scott Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). C-48 Phase II COA Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 2,700 feet and spot repairs near Cherrydell Drive, Greenbriar Drive, Cochran Road, and Greentree Road. | $88,400.00 |
Shaler Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). A-68 Source Flow Reduction Project (FM A-68-FIS-S67). Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 4,300 feet. | $114,000.00 |
Shaler Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). A-68 Source Flow Reduction Project (FM A-68-FIS-S59). Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 3,200 feet. | $445,306.50 |
Shaler Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). A-68 Source Flow Reduction Project (FM A-68-FIS-S55). Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 3,100 feet. | $99,600.00 |
Shaler Township | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). A-68 Source Flow Reduction Project (FM A-68-OSS-L27). Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 1,500 feet. | $51,400.00 |
Verona Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). A-45 Sanitary Sewer Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 8,300 feet along Seldon Avenue, North Avenue, Center Avenue, 4th Avenue, Spruce Street, Parker Street, and Second Avenue. | $138,300.00 |
West View Water Authority | Sewer Separation (SS). Cresson Avenue CSO Sewer Separation Project. A new stormwater system will be built to remove stormwater and surface water runoff from the combined sewer system in the southwestern corner, western side, and eastern side of the West View Borough. | $969,324.49 |
Whitaker Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Sanitary sewer lining of over 2,400 feet. | $315,605.00 |
Whitehall Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). Whitehall Borough Streets Run (M42-MB-L-14) Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 4,100 feet along East Willock Road and Doyle Road. | . $257,600.00 |
Whitehall Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Whitehall Borough Streets Run (M42-MB-L-15) Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 1,200 feet along Streets Run Road. | $124,087.76 |
Whitehall Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining (I/I). Whitehall Borough Sawmill Run Source Flow Reduction Project. Sanitary sewer lining of over 3,700 feet at the drainage area tributary to Sawmill Run. | $105,900.00 |
Wilkinsburg Borough | Sanitary Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation (I/I). 2025 Western Sewer Rehabilitation. Sanitary sewer lining or replacement of over 13,400 feet around Overton Street, Whitney Avenue, Center Street, Glenn Avenue, Coal Street, and South Avenue. | $814,400.00 |
See previous Grant Awardees and Cycles
ALCOSAN is committed to taking a proactive approach to stormwater management. ALCOSAN and its customer municipalities and authorities have completed significant work throughout the service area to understand the scope and challenges of preventing extraneous source flow from entering the Regional Conveyance System. Building on these efforts, ALCOSAN created guidance documents to support the successful implementation of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). This document is intended to provide guidelines for private and public entities in constructing GSI, from initial planning stages to post-construction maintenance.
This document provides guidance to facilitate successful performance monitoring of source control projects implemented to reduce inflow into the regional collection system within the ALCOSAN service area. It is intended to be used by ALCOSAN, municipalities, and municipal sewer authorities in planning for, developing and implementing monitoring plans for projects funded under ALCOSAN’s Green Revitalization of Our Waterways (GROW) grant program.