Division:  Engineering & Construction
Director: Kimberly Kennedy, P.E.
Departments:  Capital Projects,  Program Management,  OR/CD Administration


The Engineering and Construction Division is responsible for engineering planning, design and project management, administering public bidding procedures, maintaining all engineering and construction-related records, and providing technical assistance for compliance with local regulations. The work of the division involves the use of consulting engineering firms for projects within the ALCOSAN system.

Community Impact

The Engineering and Construction division is responsible for projects both within the ALCOSAN plant and within the interceptor sewer system which carries sewage and stormwater to ALCOSAN for treatment.  Therefore, you may see us on the streets near your homes or businesses as work on sewers is undertaken. 

In addition to those "every day" projects, the division also plays a major part in implementing ALCOSAN’s Clean Water Plan to reduce combined sewer overflows, according to a federal Consent Decree. A key part of the Clean Water Plan is to improve the capacity of the ALCOSAN plant and the tunnels and sewer system to better manage and treat water.

Clean Water Plan Projects & Details

Recent Accomplishments

  • Filed all permits necessary for ALCOSAN plant expansion
  • ALCOSAN’s plant expansion plan was unanimously approved by Pittsburgh City Council and signed by Mayor Bill Peduto in June 2018
  • Began securing engineering design packages for plant expansion projects– see available or upcoming contracts

    Quick Links

    About Compliance

    ALCOSAN must meet a series of requirements to comply with the Clean Water Act

    Explore the Consent Decree
    Follow the Flush

    See the path wastewater takes to the ALCOSAN treatment facility from any address within the ALCOSAN Service Area

    Flush It

    From Wastewater to Clean Water

    See How it Works