Division: Finance
Director: Karen Fantoni
Departments: Accounting, Customer Service & Billing, and Purchasing


ALCOSAN’s fiscal health is managed by the Finance division. The mission of the division is to implement and maintain sound fiscal policies, excellent customer service and to safeguard Authority assets including capital assets, investments, pension assets, insurance programs, payroll and grant funds. Over the last several years, ALCOSAN has taken significant measures to maintain and improve both the financial condition and operational efficiency of the Authority while maintaining competitive user rates.

Financial Statements and Annual Reports

Community Impact

The Finance Division includes the business aspects of the Authority. Finance is responsible for establishing a responsible and achievable budget; for billing the various customer municipalities or individuals for their wastewater charges as established by the current rate resolution; for purchasing the goods and services that are needed to provide the services to convey and treat the wastewater that is sent to the plant; and, to ultimately pay both the vendors and employees that are responsible for providing these critical services.

Safeguarding the Authority’s assets is also under the Finance Division’s prevue. The Finance Division works closely with external auditors, actuaries and investment advisors among others to ensure the Authority’s assets are supported, valued properly and protected.

Recent Accomplishments

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About Compliance

ALCOSAN must meet a series of requirements to comply with the Clean Water Act

Explore the Consent Decree
Follow the Flush

See the path wastewater takes to the ALCOSAN treatment facility from any address within the ALCOSAN Service Area

Flush It

From Wastewater to Clean Water

See How it Works