The Governmental Affairs Division was created in May 2018 to meet a long-time need of the Authority to expand communications and provide dedicated and professional support to ALCOSAN’s partners in government.
Governmental Affairs staff works with a wide variety of officials. On the federal level, this includes local congressional representatives and senators, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies. On the state and county levels, it includes representatives from the governor’s office, legislature and numerous state departments, the Allegheny County Executive and other appointed and elected countywide officers, and serves as the key contact at ALCOSAN for the 83 customer municipalities. The division also works with foundations, businesses and community groups.
The team regularly meets with customer municipalities to give updates on ALCOSAN’s regionalization process and the Green Revitalization of Our Waterways (GROW) Program. The Municipal Relations and Outreach Department produces a quarterly newsletter for municipalities, arranges for promotional material for ALCOSAN’s Clean Water Assistance Fund for homeowners and provides pet waste stations in municipal parks to reduce contamination of area waterways.
The division is regularly involved with the Allegheny League of Municipalities and its member organizations the Allegheny County Boroughs Association, the Allegheny County Association of Township Officials and the Allegheny County/Western Pennsylvania
Association of Township Commissioners; Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT); Local Government Academy; Councils of Government and 3Rivers Wet Weather.
Municipal Connections is a quarterly publication of the Municipal Relations and Outreach Department, designed to provide information and updates to our customer municipalities. To receive this electronic publication, contact Stephanie Conley.
ALCOSAN must meet a series of requirements to comply with the Clean Water Act
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