30-Day Public Comment Period for ALCOSAN’s Clean Water Plan

ALCOSAN and our regulatory agencies anticipated that transitioning the Clean Water Plan from concept to implementation would require adaptive changes. To facilitate this, the Modified Consent Decree allows adaptive management through transparent communication with ALCOSAN’s customer municipalities, regulatory agencies, and the public.

Progress Update on Clean Water Plan:

ALCOSAN has made significant progress on the four pillars of the Clean Water Plan:

  • Regionalization
  • Green Revitalization of Our Waterways
  • Regional Conveyance Tunnels
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

While we do not plan to change the technologies, locations, or sizing of the overflow control projects for 2024, we intend to request a schedule revision for key wastewater treatment plant expansion upgrade performance milestones required by our Consent Decree. We have a two-page Fact Sheet on the wastewater treatment plant expansion program and the proposed revisions.

  • North End Plant Expansion: Ahead of schedule, this project will increase secondary treatment capacity from 250 to 295 MGD.
  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Bypass and Disinfection: Behind schedule, this project aims to treat larger wet weather events by increasing primary treatment capacity from 295 MGD to 480 MGD via a CSO bypass. The delay is due to long-lead items and unforeseen construction issues.

    Public Participation:

    Below is a recording of ALCOSAN’s 2024 Annual Public Meeting which provides an update to the Clean Water Plan and proposed revisions.


    How to Comment:

    Please submit your comments by July 21, 2024 through the following channels:

    • Mail: Send written comments to ALCOSAN,
      Attention: Kimberly Kennedy, P.E., Director of Engineering,
      3300 Preble Avenue,
      Pittsburgh PA 15233-1092
    • Email: public.relations@alcosan.org
    • Online submission (see below)

    Please submit your comments below.

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