January 24, 2017 – Members of the public who attended ALCOSAN’s annual meeting Thursday afternoon left with a better understanding of how its new Clean Water Assistance Fund can help low-income families in paying their sewer bills.
Jeanne K. Clark, ALCOSAN’s public information officer, explained that the authority created the fund in response to needs of the community. ALCOSAN has committed nearly $1 million to the fund for 2017, and it has contracted with Dollar Energy Fund Inc. to manage it. The fund launched on Jan. 1, and agencies that partner with Dollar Energy have started to take applications.
The fund will provide credits worth $30 per quarter on the sewer portion of bills that residents pay for wastewater treatment service. Clark said the best way to start the process is to make an appointment at one of the social service agencies that work with Dollar Energy. Applicants should take a copy of a sewer bill or a water bill that includes ALCOSAN charges, as well as the Social Security numbers of all residents of the household and proof of income.
To qualify, families and individuals must demonstrate income that is no more than 150 percent of the federal poverty level, the same standard used by most other utility customer assistance programs. The figures that were in effect for 2016 are due to be revised by the federal government, effective next month. When they are available, ALCOSAN will update the information on its website.
The goal of the Clean Water Assistance Fund is to make sure low-income residents have access to adequate wastewater services for their homes. ALCOSAN is grateful to the municipal officials, advocacy groups, community leaders and billing agencies that all participated in planning for the fund.
A fact sheet about the program is available at alcosan.org and a copy is attached.
Fact Sheet