ALCOSAN’s Environmental Compliance department oversees more than 1,200 industrial/commercial customers that contribute higher-strength waste to the treatment system, such as fats, oils and grease from restaurants, and more than 100 others that operate under special discharge permits.

About Industrial/Commercial Regulations

ALCOSAN has authority from the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate industrial discharges into the ALCOSAN system through an approved industrial pretreatment program. All industrial/commercial customers in our service area are required to comply with our discharge regulations, as well as federal and state regulations. Industrial/commercial customers that discharge wastes with high concentrations of suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand and/or chlorine demand are subject to High Strength Discharge surcharges.

ALCOSAN’s pretreatment regulations set requirements for all industrial users in the ALCOSAN service area. The objective of ALCOSAN’s pretreatment regulations are:

  • To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the ALCOSAN system that will interfere with the operation of the conveyance and treatment system or adversely affect the resulting sludge.
  • To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the ALCOSAN system that will pass through the treatment process inadequately treated or into the receiving waters.
  • To enable ALCOSAN to comply with its permit requirements, sludge use and disposal requirements and other federal and state laws.

Our investigators conduct routine inspections at industrial facilities to ensure that facilities comply and are not discharging harmful pollutants into the sewer system. 

Pretreatment Regulations

The forms and resolutions below are provided for Pretreatment regulations at ALCOSAN.

How to Comply

The forms and applications below are necessary to secure a Discharge Permit from ALCOSAN.


For more information about ALCOSAN’s Industrial Waste program and associated monitoring and surcharges, contact the Industrial Waste Department at 412-766-4810 or by using the links below.

Email the Industrial Waste Program

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