Water Bottle Flip

Gravity plays a big part within the ALCOSAN treatment process. Test out different water bottles by flipping them with the right amount of water.

waterbottle flip


  • Your goal is to come up with the most ideal level of water to successfully flip/land the bottle.
  • Flip each of the bottles 10 times and see how many times the bottle lands on its bottom.
  • Keep track of your successes/failures via tallies on a piece of paper.

Materials (Parents/Caregivers, collect the following:):

  1. 3 empty water bottles Labeled A, B and C
  2. Fill one bottle with ¼ cup water, fill one bottle with ½ cup of water, and fill the third bottle with 1¼ cup of water.
  3. Screw the lids on tight!

Extension: Want this activity to be more than just fun?

Once the student has completed 10 flips in each of the 3 bottles, instruct them to put their success rate in fraction and percentage form.

  • # of times landed/10
  • # of times landed/10)*100

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